Securing the Dependency Supply Chain – Serverless and Security

Securing the Dependency Supply Chain

Open source software is an incredible enabler of rapid software development and delivery. As a software engineer, you can rely on the expertise and work of others in your community when composing your applications. However, this relationship is built on a fragile layer of trust. Every time you install a dependency, you are implicitly trusting the myriad contributors to that package and everything in that package’s own tree of dependencies. The code of hundreds of programmers becomes a key component of your production software.

You must be aware of the risks involved in installing and executing open source software, and the steps you can take to mitigate such risks.

Think before you install

You can start securing the serverless supply chain by scrutinizing packages before installing them. This is a simple suggestion that can make a real difference to securing your application’s supply chain, and to general maintenance at scale.

Use as few dependencies as necessary, and be aware of dependencies that obfuscate the data and control flow of your app, such as middleware libraries. If it is a trivial task, always try to do it yourself. It’s also about trust. Do you trust the package? Do you trust the contributors?

Before you install the next package in your serverless application, adopt the following practices:

Analyze the GitHub repository.

Review the contributors to the package. More contributors represents more scrutiny and collaboration. Check whether the repository uses verified commits. Assess the history of the package: How old is it? How many commits have been made? Analyze the repository activity to understand if the package is actively maintained and used by the community—GitHub stars provide a crude indicator of popularity, and things like the date of the most recent commit and number of open issues and pull requests indicate usage. Also ensure the package’s license adheres to any restrictions in place in your organization.

Use officialpackage repositories.

Only obtain packages from official sources, such as NPM, PyPI, Maven, NuGet, or RubyGems, over secure (i.e., HTTPS) links. Prefer signed packages that can be verified for integrity and authenticity. For example, the JavaScript package manager NPM allows you to audit package signatures.

Review the dependency tree.

Be aware of the package’s dependencies and the entire dependency tree. Pick packages with zero runtime dependencies where available.

Try before you buy.

Try new packages on as isolated a scale as possible and delay rollout across the codebase for as long as possible, until you feel confident.

Check if you can do it yourself.

Don’t reinvent the wheel for the sake of it, but one very simple way of removing opaque third-party code is to not introduce it in the first place. Examine the source code to understand if the package is doing something simple that is easily portable to a first-party utility. Logging libraries are a perfect example: you can trivially implement your own logger rather than distributing a third-party library across your codebase.

Make it easy to back out.

Development patterns like service isolation, single-responsibility Lambda func‐ tions, and limiting shared code (see Chapter 6 for more information on these patterns) make it easier to evolve your architecture and avoid pervasive antipat‐ terns or vulnerable software taking over your codebase.

Lock to the latest.

Always use the latest version of the package, and always use an explicit version rather than a range or “latest” flag.

Uninstall any unused packages.

Always uninstall and clear unused packages from your dependencies manifest. Most modern compilers and bundlers will only include dependencies that are actually consumed by your code, but keeping your manifest clean adds extra safety and clarity.

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